WüSpace Design & Websites

As a member of WüSpace e. V., I worked on quite a few design and web projects for the organization over the years. Note that as a member, I worked on these in my spare time voluntarily. I actually joined WüSpace in 2020 to help out with managing the website and to establish CI/branding guidelines. I later became the head of public relations and served as chairperson.

All the websites were implemented using the Meerkats CMS.

  • Website
  • Custom CMS
  • Developer Experience (Telestion)
  • Design
  • Branding Gudielines
  • Photography


CI Guidelines

Built from the ground up and documented during my time as design lead.

Project Telestion

Technical Implementation, Content, Information Architecture.

Project Daedalus 2

Technical implementation; content managed by other organization members.